Alumni Association

The network of former interns which make up the current Dr. Emmett J. Conrad  (EJC) Alumni Association strive to remain actively involved in communities throughout Dallas while pursuing a variety of careers and graduate studies. Members of the Alumni Association are an integral part of a team of career and goal-oriented individuals who realize that the effort you give today helps shape the outcome of tomorrow.

Continuing in Dr. Conrad’s tradition of selfless giving, the Alumni Association stays involved in the community through a series of community service projects selected by Committee Coordinators within the Association. Our focus is on giving back to the community while helping to motivate and inspire current interns in the Dr. Emmett J. Conrad Leadership Program.

Our cause is fourfold:

1.  Support and assist the Program in mentoring and developing Conrad Interns through their internships, community service, and workshops,

2.  Support and assist other EJC Alumni by growing active personal and professional networks,

3. Financially supporting end-of-summer scholarships for Conrad Interns and EJC Alumni Association activities, and

4.  Serve as conduits, in our respective fields and jobs, to locate and secure internships for eligible students.

Alumni Association Committee Members:

  • Gabrielle Adams
  • Maiya Bangurah
  • Eddie Brown
  • Byron Busby
  • Adolphus Nolan
  • Terrance Watson

What’s Happening: Join the Conversation

What is your generation? How do you fit in with your company? How are you surviving in a multi-generational workplace? What do you see as challenges and opportunities of working in a multi-generational workplace? How do you work with others who are not in your generation? Click on the Online Mentoring Blog post and/or log on to the Alumni Association's Facebook page and join the conversation.